I wonder who will have the honour of being my first blog post??

 Deciding who to write about first is my present dilemma.

Will it be the elusive Felix Chatel who I re-discovered by DNA 100 years after he went missing?

Will it be James Fitzpatrick my 3x great granduncle, convict, who as a result of being on the Hume and Hovell expedition became a very wealthy landowner in early NSW?

Will my Canadian family, the Hood's be my first subject, explaining how I discovered they had changed their name from Dubois?

Will my 1st cousin twice removed, Hugh Bernard McAlary, a WW1 Military Medal recipient get the honour?

Or perhaps it will be my 3x great grandfather Thomas Hanley who survived the 1852 Flood in Gundagai, only to die three weeks later?

I'm still not sure who will have the honour of being first. But one thing is for sure, in time,  I will write about all of these ancestors and many more.... stay tuned!


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